报告题目:van der Waals and Chemical Integration of Nanoscale Materials: from Basic Material Science to Nanoscale Devices Engineering
报 告 人:王琛 博士 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)
报告地点:信息学院 228会议室
邀 请 人:孟凡利 教授
摘要: Nanoscale materials, especially 2D materials, represent a material system that is setting for breakthroughs in fundamental research and transformative technologies. For example, 2D semiconductor with few surface dangling bonds and atomic level uniformity can exhibit excellent optical/electronic properties that are difficult to achieve in other nanostructures. van der Waals (vdW) integrations, bring a totally new degree of freedom to nearly arbitrarily combine highly distinct materials, even molecular layers at the atomic scale to create artificial superlattices and functional nanosystem. Chemical integration, a robust and scalable solution, also boosted the field to new level, where, for example, lateral epitaxial heterostructure was realized for the first time. Together, such nanoscale materials, artificial superlattices and heterostructures serve as an exciting frontier for exploring fundamental physics, materials science and device engineering. It can offer exciting opportunities to control the generation, confinement, and transport of charges, excitons, photons and phonons at the level of single atom thickness and have the potential to open up technological opportunities beyond the reach of traditional materials to allow special advances across diverse areas ranging from traditional electronics, optoelectronics, energy storage to the emerging areas of bio-integrated electronics, plasmonic devices, spintronic devices and quantum computing.
简历:王琛 博士,本科毕业于武汉大学物理学基地班专业,博士毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA),师从 Xiangfeng Duan(段镶锋)教授。研究专注于下一代半导体光电器件,尤其是低维半导体器件研究。 发表SCI论文26篇, 包括国际著名杂志:《Nature》2篇,《Science》2篇,《Nature Nanotechnology》1篇, 《Chemical Society Review》 1篇, 《ACS Nano》 1篇,《Nature Communications》 1篇,《Science Advances》1篇,《NanoLetters》5篇,以及书籍章节1章等。已发表成果过去五年引用超过2300+次,单篇第一作者文章最高引用300+次,引用100+的6篇, ESI hot paper 1篇, ESI highly cited paper 7篇。 研究工作还受到学术机构、工业界、政府部门等广泛报道和高度评价,受邀参与多次国际会议报告, 并提交申请美国专利一项。申请人也是20余个国际高影响力期刊的独立审稿人,包括《Advanced Materials》,《Advanced Energy Materials》,《ACS Nano》,《Nano Research》,《2D Materials》,《IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices》等。